Senarai produk oleh pengeluar: ONA

To provide camera bags and accessories that complement your life and style.
"I love photography. There's something truly magical about taking a photo that tells a story and captures the essence of a moment in time. So I carry my SLR camera everywhere. On dreamy vacations. To Sunday brunch with friends. To family gatherings and trips to the park. But I loathed carrying a camera bag that was clunky and distracting. On occasion, to avoid looking like a tourist, I even tried stuffing my camera into a stylish non-camera bag, wrapping it in scarves or t-shirts and hoping it wouldn’t come in contact with my other stuff. Inevitably, it did. And my camera ended up with the nicks and scratches to prove it.In summer 2010, I launched ONA with a simple vision: to offer style-conscious photographers and photography enthusiasts camera bags and accessories that complement their life and style. All of our products are handcrafted from premium materials and designed to blend the functionality of traditional camera bags with contemporary styling.Thank you for visiting our site, and we hope you enjoy our bags as much as we enjoy creating them." – Tracy Foster, Founder

Our commitment
We are committed to providing you with premium camera bags and accessories that complement, not distract from, your personal style. Each of our products is handcrafted and designed to deliver uncompromising style, protection and utility.
Our materials
We use superior materials, such as full-grain cowhide leather, waxed cotton canvas, solid brass, and closed-cell foam. We source all of our materials with great care and are pleased to have developed relationships with some of the finest suppliers and vendors around the globe.
Our designs
Our products are designed and handcrafted by a dedicated team that pays meticulous attention to every detail. Our design process is driven by a desire to create products that complement your style and protect your gear. We believe that your camera bags and accessories should be rich and imaginative, like the photos you love to take. And they should boast an enduring design that allows you to carry your gear safely and comfortably.
Our name
In Swahili, the word ona (pronounced ō'na) means, “to feel,” “to believe,” and “to experience with the eyes.” This is the essence of photography and style.
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