
Fuji Photographic Paper F3 愛之劇場 - 荒木經惟

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Book Size180 x 133 mm

Pages242 pages,119 images Binding

Case Publication Date2017

Language JapaneseLimited


ISBN 9784908526121

250 Sheets 12x16.5cm

《愛の劇場》內收錄了 119 幅攝影師荒木経惟的早期作品。1965 年,當時的他正在廣告界巨頭 —— 電通公司擔任攝影師一職,業餘之間則從事創作,此書的一系列作品皆於當年所拍攝。2011 年,時隔約莫半世紀後,這些影像初次在 Taka Ishii Gallery 公開展出,同時伴隨著展覽出版了一本同名小冊,現已絕版。

2017 年,此書《愛の劇場》重新印製並再次展現於世人面前。猶如完美的複製品一般,整本書的外觀為一個原尺寸的富士相紙盒,而紙盒內的照片也與原版尺寸一致。無論是質感、字跡甚至是上頭的貼紙,皆讓人感受到整本書埋藏著歲月的痕跡,彷彿就是半世紀前攝影師親自整理並封存一般,裝載著當年所遺落的喧囂與氣味。

「我找到了一個寫著『愛の劇場』、13 乘以 18 公分大小的相紙盒,打開來發現裡面裝著約 150 張拍攝於 1965 年左右的照片。那時候,我使用著 Olympus Pen F 喀喳喀喳地拍,使用熱顯影來處理、或是隨意地沖印。這些照片拍下了當時的我、女人、時代與場所。從那時候起,我便叫它們『愛の劇場』。啊!話雖如此,真的是很不錯、很棒的相片呢!數位相機可無法拍出這樣的感覺吧。」—— 荒木経惟

Theater of Love

Nobuyoshi ARAKI

Publisher: Case Publishing

The series consists of around 100 photographs taken around the year 1965, when Araki was working at advertising giant Dentsu. The photos, first shown at an exhibition at Taka Ishii Gallery in February 2011, are presented as a postcard-sized book, hidden in a Fuji photographic paper box replica, the same way Araki discovered his old prints.

“I’ve found a cabinet box, labelled “Theater of Love”. Opening it, there were about 150 prints inside. They must have been taken around ’65, back when I was clicking away on an Olympus Pen F, experimenting with thermal development, fooling around with printing and film developing techniques. The photos are a record of me, the women and the life and the places of that era. Seems like I called them “Theater of Love” in those days. But either way — good stuff. Good photos. You can’t get this with digital.”
— Nobuyoshi Araki

The book and a new show of Araki's images were on display at the inaugural Case Tokyo exhibition September 30 - November 16.

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